KSRI has always been a centre for Research in Sanskrit and Indology. These activities are carried out through in-house Scholars and a society of associated Scholars. KSRI has associations with renowned doyens in these areas, who regularly visit KSRI and are invited frequently for lectures and discussion forums.
Invitation for Project Assistance and Sponsorship
KSRI has published books and articles based on various research projects. KSRI pursues special projects in its core areas, through research scholars, students and independently through its associates. There are also project ideas which can be discussed and formalized by sponsors and scholars. KSRI welcomes any organization interested in sponsoring any of the project ideas listed in the Projects & Studies section. It invites all interested persons and organizations to join with its scholars and pursue the passion.
Indian Scholars - Traditional Study
In the past, traditional scholars of great merit were given junior/senior research scholarships by the Govt. of India through the Central Sanskrit Board/Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan. Scholars under this scheme produced valuable texts on Sastras, Literature, Agamas, and Dramaturgy etc. Diverse categories of research - traditional, modern, inter-disciplinary etc. by Indian and foreign scholars, were officially started from 1983 within the campus as regular academic work. Besides there was an all-round improvement in other academic activities. Special mention has to be made about the efforts taken by the Institute in the field of Saiva and Vaishnava Agamic Studies. No other institution in South India except the concerned departments in the University of Madras has taken up these studies.
Sri Srirama Desikan
Sri Navalapakkam Varadachari
1966-68 Critical Study of Vedanta Desika's Sarvartha Siddhi
Sri K.V. Seshadrinathan
1964-66 Dharabandha's comm. Sudha on Citra Mimamsa of Appaya Diksita.
Sri D. Srinivasachariar
1960-62 Sri Srirama Desikan
Sri Agnihotram Ramanuja Tatachariar
1965-68 Sudarsana Suri
Sri A. R. Krishnamachariar
1964-66 Tarkaparibhasaparipati - Technical Terminology of Indian Logic
Sri N.A. Yajnavarshan
1965-69 Taittiriya Samhita - Ritual Aspect
Sri D. Srinivasachariar
1964-66 An account in Sanskrit of Vedanta Desika's Tamil works
Sri Agnihotram Ramanuja Tatachariar
1960-62 Democratic institutions in Rigveda
Sri K.V. Seshadrinathan
1960-62 Mahanatakasuktisudhanidhi - Critical edn. & study
Sri K. Srinivasachariar
1964-66 Sanskrit teaching methods
Kumari Premavathi
1965-69 Agastya Pandita's Krsna-Carita
Sri S. Arayar Rama Sharma
1965-69 Critical edn. & study of Vishnu Dharma
Sri E.J. Kumaraswami Dikshitar
1964-66 Kanva Satapatha Brahmana text edn.
Sri V. Hayagrivachar
1969-72 Bhattasangraha of Raghavendrayati
Sri V. Krishnamachar
1969-75 Contribution of Dvaita School to Kavya Literatur
Sri V. Srivatsankachariar
1975-78 Haradatta's Padmamanjari
Sri S. Srinivasan
1969-72 Sanskrit words in Tamil Literature
Sri V. Kutumba Sastri
1972-75 A Critical Edition and Study of Dharmasuri's Sahityaratnakara
Sri T.S. Ramanujachari
1969-75 A Pancaratra Agama work in Mss.
Sri P.N. Krishnamachari
1972-75 Vedic Authority for the Divya Prabandhas
Scholars have obtained Vidyavaridhi (equivalent to Ph.D.), affiliated to the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi.
Vidyavaridhi (Ph.D, New Delhi) (1983-1995)
Sri K Ramanathan
Critical Edition & Study of Advaitamukasara
Smt. Prabha
Sri D. Mallikarjuna
Mimamsa Yajnika Sampradaya Samiksha
Sri Bhavanarayanan
Ms. S. Annapurna
Critical Edition & Study of Dhanyakumaracarita
Sri K.N. Varadarajan
Saint-poets in Sanskrit from 12th to 19th C.A.D
Sri J. Venkataraman
Sambhubhattasya Nirupanam
Sri H.G. Panduranga
Critical Edition & Study of Madrakanya Parinaya Campus
Smt G.D. Jayalakshmi
Critical Edition & Study of Darukavanavilasa by Ratnaradhya
Sri V. Soumya Narayanan
Sri Vaishnavasampradaye Sritattvavicarah
Sri R.Natarajan
Nalladhvarinah Advaitarasamanjari Parimalavyakhya Sahita samskaranam Visishtadhyayanam ca
Ms. T.Lalitha Subhalakshmi
Critical Edition & Study of Alankarasirobhusana
Sri K. Sreekanthan
Duruhasiksa of Appayya Diksita-III- A Critical Study
Sri T.S. Nagarajan
Jyotishe Ayurdayam
Dr.T. Sanjeeva Rao
Bharatiya Samskriteh ve raghavasya samskrita gaveshana mulaka upakritih
Sri S Bilvanathan
Critical Edition & Study from Mss. of Vidhibhusana by Venkatanarayana
Critical study of Hathasanketacandrika of Sundaradeva
Critical Edition of Ananda Tirtha's Dvadasa Stotra with hitherto unpublished commentaries.
Critical Edition and Study from manuscripts of Amarananda's Svatmayogapradipa
Sri Neelabalan
Critical Edition & Study of Tantranitilahari of Ramanujadasa from Mss.
Scholars were awarded Shastrachudamani for undertaking research in various topics.
Shastrachudamani (New Delhi) (1983-1995)
Sri Goda Venkateswara Rao
Edition from Mss. of Tryambaka Sastri's Hetvabhasa Samanyanirukti
Dr. R.N. Sampath
Critical analysis of citations in Vedanta Desikas Works
Sri Bilvanathan
Origin and Development of Apurvavidhi in Mimamsa
Sri N.S. Sathagopan
Critical Edition and Study of Life of Vaishnavacarya Sri Ramanuja Mahadesikan
Edition and Study of Dattatreya Campu
Sri N. Neelabalan
Contribution of Ramanujadasa to Mimamsa Sastra
Dr. R.Thyagarajan
Edition from Mss. of Cidambarakavi's Bhagavata Campu
Pt.L. Narayanan
Some Mimamsa concepts in Sastradipika
Dr.C.Panduranga Bhatta
Critical Study of Arunagiri's Com. on Kalidasa's Raghuvamsa
Dr.A. Thiruvengadathan
Edition from Manuscripts of Suktisadhutvamalika of Viraraghava
Sri K.A. Sabharatnam Sivacarya
Pancasuddhi in Saiva Agamas
अनार्यमार्यवृत्तेन सत्येनानृतवादितम्।
रिपुमप्युपकारेण वशीकुर्वन्ति साधव:॥
Good people win over the bad souls by their good conduct; untruthful with truth and even the enemies by favouring them.
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