We at KSRI
the knowledge of Sanskrit and related Indology
Preserve - in true sense of establishing - the vast heritage, wisdom and culture that the knowledge of Sanskrit and related Indology delivers to humanity;
Preserve - in True sense of institutionalizing - to ensure that the sphere of Sanskrit and Indology knowledge gets stronger and more enterenched with every passing day;
Preserve - in true sense of perpetuity - to pass on to future generations a robust, sound, modern and likeable knowledge base of Sanskrit and Indology; and enjoyable communication of the same;
Preserve - in true sense of consolidation - to make the world Sanskrit society larger.
We at KSRI
in pursuit of our stated vision will strive to make the Institute a preferred centre of learning in India for Sanskrit language and related Indology.
We will strive to achieve this mission by being a competent centre for actively pursuing, promoting and facilitating in Sanskrit language and related Indology.
Original research
Publications and modern communication
Scholars gateway
Library and collection of precious manuscripts; encourage continuous and greater usage of the same
Teaching and Doctorate program support