The following scholars presented their Papers:
1. Dr. M. Archana Execution of Bhakti in Nārada Bhakti Sūtras
Asst. Prof., Dept. of Sanskrit, Seethalakshmi Achi College for women, Karaikudi
2. Dr. S. Madhurambika Nāma-bhakti in the Kaveri Belt
Asst. Prof, (SS), Dept. of Sanskrit, Ethiraj college, Chennai
3. Ms. Athulya Raj Exhortation of Bhakti Reflected in
Research Scholar, SSUS, Kalady Srī Nārāyana Guru's Darśanamālā
4. Ms. Charumathy. B The Place of Bhakti in Indian Philosophy
Project Staff, IIT – Madras
5. Ms. Jayashree. R Bhakti Ilakkiyam
Research scholar, University of Madras
6. Ms. Y. Shanmuga Priya Dharshini Bhakti Tradition in Indian Philosophy
Research Scholar, The Madras Sanskrit College
7. Dr. V. Yamuna Devi Deśabhakti
Associate Prof. The KSRI
8. Dr.P.C.Muralidharan Garuḍa Bhakti of Śrī Vedānta Deśika
Asst.Prof., The KSRI
9. Dr. V. Preethi The Concept of Bhakti in Bhopadeva's Muktāphala
Asst.Prof., The KSRI
10. Ms. Lavanya.V. Eswar Subrahmaṇya Bhārati and Kṛṣṇa Bhakti
Research Scholar, The KSRI